This is How We Do It - Worship

"Worship = Declaring the very nature & character of God. It is natural, instinctive, & immediate. When we see the glory of God, we already know what to do and how to do it. Worship."

I recently went to a Worship Workshop at my home church. The worship pastor quoted this last phrase, and it just powerfully struck me. Worship music is my way of communicating with God and feeling His presence. But music is not just a "way of communication", but a way of LIFE. Worshiping God should be as natural (if not more natural) than being alive itself. Why? Because it is that great GOD Who is keeping us alive.

Better yet, He isn't just keeping us alive...He is taking both small & big steps to plan our lives and put it all together like a puzzle. I love how Psalm 33 puts it:

The LORD foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of His people. The plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. ~Psalm 33:10-11
If you were to read the introduction verses in this Psalm, you would find that the whole point of this Psalm is to show WHY we need to praise God and HOW we need to praise God.

But really- shouldn't it be so natural to do so?

I have been having conflicts with my work schedule and wanting to be on the worship team. I knew that if it was God's will, He would put me on the worship team, no matter what my work schedule looked like. Today, I found out that my good friend will work for me every Sunday if I can work for her every Saturday. I love it. PRAISE GOD, for He has blazed the way in which I can attend church AND play music!

And what happened next? I naturally and instinctively and immediately praised God.

Because that is how worship works.

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