Seeds & Tears

One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving... -Psalm 62:11-12

I am staring at my baby plants as I sit here on the floor with a gulp in my throat. This last year has brought about so many changes in my attitude & character. I am learning what makes me cry. I am learning what gives me joy. I am learning more of who He is, so that I can be more like Him.

I have learned that two things will bring immediate tears to my eyes & sorrow to my heart. The first is when I disobey His commands & His will. This one has been a challenge to me - learning how to love, live, accept forgiveness, and learn from it.

But the second has been hard: I hurt the most when I hurt other people.

It is a true statement. We are called to love & serve (Mark 10:45). God is love & we know this love and show this love. We build character by following His example & testing it in our daily walk. We use godly character to exhibit our love.

Now I can be pretty forgiving if I fail in my godly character against myself. I know its between God & me - and that He is mighty to save & forgive - and He is faithful to love.

But when I fail in my godly character to love another? That hurts me a lot. Because not only is it now between me & God - but me & another.

I planted seeds last week. Yesterday I noticed they were just sprouting! 19 little plants popped out of the soil! They looked so strong and healthy. But you know, I came home today & noticed that all of the plants were bent toward the sun. Some of the plants were so thin & tiny - they looked like they would fall over! But all plants have one goal - to make food from the sun. I turned the pot so that the plants would "reach for the sun" from the other side, to avoid them from breaking & tipping.

An hour later, I looked at my plants again. The stems (in just one hour!) had completely turned toward the sun again! What great strength, desire, and passion these plants had to face the sun. It is a beautiful thing that God has created.

Somedays I still feel like a small seedling. I reach for the Son - desire for His ways, but outside forces "spin me around". They tempt, they twist, they confuse, and if I don't adjust to focus on HIM alone - my Sun - then I will fall over. And how important it is to stay focused on His love through tough times.

This week has been a heck of a week for me. Ups, downs, emotions, situations - but I look back to Psalm 62 and see that our God is STRONG and our God is LOVING.

Praise God for His forgiveness, praise God for His people who seek His will, praise God for those He has placed in my life to love, and for those who continually encourage me - despite my weaknesses.

I love you, O LORD, my strength.

Camp Updates

For those of you "following" my blog (I don't know why you would?) I started my summer camp blog. Because I have been SO involved in the winter/spring time as well - I changed it into a Lake Lundgren Blog for now. Updates are there from this last winter season. You can click on the link to the right (camp 2011 updates) or click on my link below.

Summer 2011 planning starts now, with verses to memorize, letter to write, people to contact, knowledge to learn. So please be praying that I am prepared in my heart & mind for camp this summer! Thank you!

Lake Lundgren - Get a Clue 2011 blog here!

The Doctrine of Election

For the last two years or so, I have heard many of my good friends and family discussing the doctrine of election, Calvinism, Arminianism, and theology. I enjoy a good theological discussion, but in the past have avoided a real answer by saying that “God is infinite, and therefore we as humans with our finite minds can never understand His mysteries or comprehend His judgment.”

In a sense, it is true. “Who can fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?”(Job 11:7) But I do believe God has given us these mysteries so that we can search him out more to get a clue. In Ephesians 3, we see that Paul explains that mysteries that were once unexplainable (ones the rabbis would discuss about Gentiles being included in the new covenant) are now being revealed to both the Jews & the Gentiles. We, in a same sense, need to seek out and search mysteries. We may not find the perfect answer we are looking for, but when we look for him with all of our heart and soul, we will find HIM. (Deut 4:29)

So I would like to briefly discuss the topic of election. Not necessarily “the Five Points of Calvinism” but just some brief things I have been learning related to election. I am not a seminary student, I don’t suppose to know everything, and I know I am putting myself out on a limb for even writing about such things. I’m sure Kirk & Geoff will have their good say about the things I post.


“I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.” –Romans 7:18

I have often heard people say that God cannot just choose and pick whom should or shouldn’t be saved. I have heard that this idea is unjust. And since God is just and loving – then he would not just choose and pick certain people.

But let us see what is more just and loving – 1. That humans can create their own sense of faith, choose to believe in Him with their own free will, and take part in the process of salvation, or 2. That He saved us while we were yet sinners and to gave us the gift of salvation & faith in order that we may believe.

I believe the latter. How can I, (in which there is no good, Rom 7:18) be capable of understanding and believing in a God that is holy & perfect? As it is written in Romans 3, “There is no one righteous; not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. "

If no one seeks God, then how can I choose to believe in Him? If no one seeks God, how can we secure our salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? He once said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me…For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life." We get that. We know it is through Christ Jesus that we are saved. But Jesus also quoted later – “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent me draws him…” (John 6)

Okay. So we’ve got to establish that God chose me, called me in with his kindness, led me to repentance (Rom 2:4), has given me a faith not of myself but a gift of grace from God (Eph 2:8) and unconditionally loves me.

But you still say, “It’s not fair. What about the people God doesn’t choose? Why is he so unjust to not choose some and only choose others?”
This is more than likely a simple human argument. And I'll admit - I’ve been there too. Why would some be condemned to hell, but others be called to eternal life? How unfair!

But then I look upon His grace and think in praise – “Why would He, a holy and perfect God, WANT to save or call ME, while I was still a sinner?”

That’s what really makes no sense.

He shouldn’t save us sinful, ungodly, unruly people. It doesn’t make sense. He is holy, and we are filth.

But He did. (!)

And now that we are a saved group of people, the body of Christ, holy and without fault before Him through our Lord Jesus Christ – we stand here asking “What about that guy? Or that girl over there? Why isn’t she saved?”

So let me ask -- Why is it that before we’re saved, we so perfectly understand that we are in need of a Savior, but then turn around later and question God as to why He won’t save someone? Here’s a personal question –

Before you were saved:
Did you think it was unfair that God saved some and not others? Did that even cross your mind? Were you upset that He would choose Megan, but not Tom? He would choose Billy, but not Jason? Did it bother you that God was perfectly sovereign over their lives?

Before we are called to Him, we see NO REASON to need a Savior. We have no understanding of how low we are. We just live life – and think that’s the way it works.

Then we start seeing things. Differences. Lives being changed. People caring & loving. Why did this “all-of-a-sudden-I-notice-things” start happening? Do you think there’s a magical time in our life that we start noticing Christians around us seeming “different”? The Church has been around since your birth. If you were saved at 12, why did you not notice His love at 8? If you were saved at 30, why did you not notice His grace at 15?

We have to be called. He has to summon us into His presence – the Holy Spirit – begins to guide our hearts and our minds.

Who knows if my view will be molded and changed in the next year or so. This is my first time ever REALLY thinking hard about this topic – and my first time sharing about it. If you have any questions, disagree with me, want to mold my ideas, PLEASE send me an email ( or message on FB.
